Everything You Need To Know About The Halo Tv Show: 6 Months Later - gametvseries.com

Everything You Need To Know About The Halo Tv Show: 6 Months Later

Ms Precursor
Views: 6110
Like: 187
0:00 Beginning
2:53 Cortana Recast
5:33 Official Set Photos
7:40 Alleged Leaked Photos & Military police
10:40 Move to Paramount+
12:29 Anger over Master Chief’s tweets
13:55 Filming At Korda Studios
16:00 Interviews from Cast & Crew

Halo TV show interviews of interest to read-
Pablo Schreiber interview
Charlie Murphy interview
Kiki Wolfkill interview
Another Kiki Wolfkill interview

I’ve always been one to value quality and relevant information in videos, which is why I wanted to wait so long to create the next Tv series update video, I don’t want to make a click bait 15 minute video every time a small bit of news comes out. So I appreciate you all being so patient with me and waiting for this update.

This is only my second video using Adobe Premiere Pro, I’ve been teaching it to myself from scratch, just because video editing is really becoming a stress relieving hobby of mine, and if I get to make something Halo fans will enjoy that’s a win-win!

I don’t want to become a big creator, and I’ve had a few people ask me about Patreon or starting a discord server. Here’s the thing, I love Halo and making these videos and chatting with halo fans but I don’t have the free time to be involved like that with a 40 hr a week job and college. So if you want to come chat with me about Halo how about you join this Halo Discord server that I am a member of. I am actually a “Loremaster” which is just a title for cringy halo book nerd who can answer questions, but if you want to chat why don’t you catch me there! The invitation to the server is below.
-Ms Precursor

Care to join Halo Headquarters the best halo discord server around? Check it out below!

Halo HeadQuarters

We’re a server aiming to be the space where all things Halo collide. If you can’t find it here then our goal is to point you in the right direction to find it. We aim to provide an extensive assortment of Halo related topics:
•Looking For Game partners
•Forging Competitions
•Art Competitions
•Community Creations
•International Communication between halo players
•Fan Games
•Chill Off Topic channels
•Connections to other top tier servers in the community
•Connections to top tier members of the community and their content
•Halo News
•Xbox News

We don’t strive for a specific niche, we strive to connect people to their own niche within halo and be their introduction point. Our Staff Team works tirelessly (literally) day in and day out to create the perfect central hub for the halo community. You think of it, we have it OR a way to find it for you.