How Kiki Wolfkill Went from Racecar Driver to Executive Producer of the Paramount+ Halo TV Series
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Join Sydnee Goodman on the set of the Halo TV show to chat with the big boss in charge of the whole Halo franchise, Kiki Wolfkill.
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Kiki Wolfkill has been a professional race car driver (ranked #15th in 2000), created one of the most successful esports leagues (Halo Championship Series), and was named one of Fortune Magazine’s “10 Most Powerful Women in Gaming”, but first and foremost, she is a GAMER! Currently, she’s the Head of Halo Transmedia and Entertainment, tasked with taking a beloved franchise and adapting it for TV…no easy feat. But how did she get there and where is she looking to go next? What can we learn from Kiki’s path to inform our own paths to success?
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