Why Halo TV show news is SCARING Halo fans - gametvseries.com

Why Halo TV show news is SCARING Halo fans

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Halo TV show is discussed by Kiki Wolfkill at a panel, and details more about the direction, and strategy of casting, story details, locations, and dates.
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Halo’s TV Show was announced at E3 2013, 5 years ago, in short, it’s been in Development Hell. A cryptic desolation where projects as risky as Halo’s TV show go to die, as the movie did years ago. We’ve heard like 3 different times that the TV show was “still in very active development. Then we heard it was greenlit by Showtime, wait, wasn’t it already? Nope! Development hell man. They announced thankfully the project would be filmed in Fall 2018, but then, to make matters worse, Rupert Wyatt, the director of Planet of the Apes, left the TV show, claiming that the show wasn’t within his framework of time he originally agreed upon. However he left, he added “There’s an immense TV show to be made there. It’s an ambitious one for a show, and they’re gonna get to a place where they’re gonna line-budget with creative.”

He actually explained recently why he left, and I am paraphrasing here, but essentially he didn’t know much about Halo Lore, and decided to leave because it would too much time to absorb. So that’s probably a good thing he left, it probably would have been trash anyway. But frankly, this TV show is likely going to be crap, unless they get there shit together. And now Black Mirror Otto Bathurst is taking over, the director of the National Anthem episode, which got a 7.8 out of 10 rating out of 35 thousand votes ON imdb, keep in mind he wasn’t the writer, so this guy might be fit for the job.

But of course, today, we now have another curveball. VG247 so gracefully reminded us on a recent article that this show could easily fall apart any moment, but now it’s looking like the TV show is more likely going to go through. 343 executive producer Kiki Wolfkill on a panel at Reboot develop, and discussed how they’re approaching the adaptation. VG reports, respecting the canon is one of 343’s priorities, but not at the expense of doing what makes sense.

For example, the Halo games never let us see Master Chief’s face, adding to the character’s mystique (if people called John can have mystique), but would that work in television? “There are occasions where he showers…” Wolfkill laughed. “Joking aside, there are some details that we may shift, but we want to respect the fans and what they love about the IP.” But also added, “we may shift dates, locations, or ethnicity of characters.”

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